A Few Interesting Folks in the Family Tree
  • Louisa May Alcott
    American Novelist, best known for Little Women. She was an abolishionist and never married.

  • Susan Brownell Anthony
    One of the most famous suffragettes, she traveled, lectured and canvassed the nation for the vote for over sixty years while also advocating the abolition of slavery, women's rights to their own property and earnings, and the right to organize and belong to women's labor organizations.

  • Gerald 'Jerry' Rudolph Ford Jr
    38th President of the United States

  • Oliver Wendel Holmes, Jr
    Supreme Court Justice of the United States

  • Oliver Wendel Holmes, Sr
    One of the 'Fireside Poets'

  • Charles Nelms Lewis
    State senator from Kentucky in 1813

  • Merrill Emmet Noble
    Elected Chief Justice of the New Mexico Supreme Court in 1969

  • William Page
    American Artist

  • Edwin W Pauley
    Founder of Petrol Corp in 1923 Pauley Paviliion at UCLA is named in his honor for his philanthropy and service as a Regent

  • Eleanor Roosevelt
    Active proponent of civil rights for racial minorities, she was the first presidential spouse to hold regular press conferences, write a daily newspaper column and host a weekly radio show. She was the first US delegate to the United Nations.

  • Theodore 'Teddy' Roosevelt
    26th President of the United States

  • Elizabeth "Molly" Page Stark
    Wife of Maj Gen John Stark, she became well known primarily due to his famous quote, prior to a battle with British and Hessian forces on the way to Bennington Vermont, "Tonight the American flag floats over yonder hill or Molly Stark sleeps a widow".

  • Richard Stockton
    Richard signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776

  • Dick Van Patten

  • Donald R Van Petten
    He ranched and taught history and political science at Arizona State College/Arizona State University from 1942 to 1961. He served in the House of Representatives of the Arizona Legislature from 1928 to 1930. During his faculty years, he wrote several editions of a text on Arizona government, used extensively in schools throughout the state.

  • John Bullock Van Petten
    Known as the 'Reverend General'

  • John Greenleaf Whittier
    American Quaker poet, abolitionist and supporter of women's sufferage