• [S86] Richmond Virginia, Richmond Virginia Order Book #10 (Unknown: Unknown).
  • [S92] Margaret Forrester, Personal communication, (Contact R Page for e-mail address) e-mail address , March 17, 2008.
  • [S99] Richmond Times-Dispatch, Kilmarnock, VA Obituary for Mary Hinton, March 18, 2008.
  • [S147] Richmond Times-Dispatch, Northumberland, VA Obituary for Lolis Forrester Beane, April 6, 1991.
  • [S246] Ancestry Public Member Tree compiled BY: Cynthia Carol McNeal, online http://ancestry.com/family-tree/tree/4515143/….
  • [S723] R P Forester household, 1870 US Census, Lancaster, Virginia, population schedule, White Chapel, sheet 17, dwelling 138, family 138, National Archives micropublication M593-1658, Downloaded November 2012 from Ancestry.com.
  • [S751] The Richmond Times Dispatch, Richmond, VA Gill-Forrester, June 20, 1915.
  • [S971] Thornton T Sampson household, 1880 US Census, Northumberland, Virginia, population schedule, Heathsville, Enumeration District 86, sheet 34, dwelling 312, family 321, National Archives micropublication T9-1382, Downloaded August 2013 from Ancestry.com.
  • [S1115] John M Froester household, 1900 US Census, Northumberland, Virginia, population schedule, Heathsville, Enumeration District 67, sheet 13A, dwelling 170, family 170, National Archives micropublication T623-1720, Downloaded October 2013 from Ancestry.com.
  • [S1180] Jay Gill household, 1920 US Census, Lancaster, Virginia, population schedule, Mantua, Enumeration District 65, sheet 4A, dwelling 69, family 70, National Archives micropublication T625-1895, Downloaded October 2013 from Ancestry.com.
  • [S1255] John M Forrester household, 1920 US Census, Northumberland, Virginia, population schedule, Heathsville, Enumeration District 132, sheet 3B, dwelling 55, family 55, National Archives micropublication T625-1903, Downloaded November 2013 from Ancestry.com.
  • [S1338] Jay G Gill household, 1930 US Census, Lancaster, Virginia, population schedule, Mantua, Enumeration District 1, sheet 20B, dwelling 383, family 383, National Archives micropublication T626-2448, Downloaded December 2013 from Ancestry.com.
  • [S1340] Milton Forrester household, 1940 US Census, Northumberland, Virginia, population schedule, Fairfield, Enumeration District 67-5, sheet 20A, Address Not Stated, family 383, Reported by Blanche Forrester, National Archives micropublication T627-4280, Downloaded December 2013 from Ancestry.com.
  • [S1342] Walter Kilduff household, 1930 US Census, Northumberland, Virginia, population schedule, Fairfield, Enumeration District 2, sheet 3B, dwelling 61, family 63, National Archives micropublication T626-2452, Downloaded December 2013 from Ancestry.com.
  • [S1650] Zack Gill household, 1920 US Census, Lancaster, Virginia, population schedule, Mantua, Enumeration District 65, sheet 4A, dwelling 70, family 71, National Archives micropublication T625-1895.
  • [S1651] "District of Columbia, Compiled Marriage Index, 1830 - 1921." Database. Available online at https://www.ancestry.com/search/collections/60261/.
  • [S1655] Alpha (Orpha) McNeal household, 1940 US Census, Lancaster, Virginia, population schedule, Mantua, Enumeration District 52-2, sheet 3B, family 57, Reported by Alpha McNeal, National Archives micropublication T627-4272.
  • [S1719] Fleet W Lewis household, 1870 US Census, Washington, District of Columbia, population schedule, Georgetown, sheet 236/237, dwelling 1585, family 1719, National Archives micropublication M593-127.
  • [S1843] John Forrester, Death Certificate 87055 (October 15, 1955), issued by State of Pennsylvania. (photocopy) Home Library 2690 Shrubwood Circle, Simi Valley, Ventura, California, USA.
  • [S1845] "Pennsylvania, Veteran Compensation Application Files, WWII, 1950-1966." Index and images. Available online at https://www.ancestry.com/search/collections/3147/; citing Pennsylvania (State). World War II Veterans Compensation Applications, circa 1950s. Records of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Record Group 19, Series 19.92 (877 cartons). Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, PA.
  • [S1969] Alice Marie Crabbe, Death Certificate 18638 (August 4, 1964), issued by State of Virginia. (photocopy) Home Library 2690 Shrubwood Circle, Simi Valley, Ventura, California, USA.
  • [S2377] Pearl Margaret Forrester Hayden, Death Certificate 5872/799 (March 28, 1946), issued by State of Virginia. (photocopy) Home Library 2690 Shrubwood Circle, Simi Valley, Ventura, California, USA.
  • [S2403] Richmond, Virginia, Marriage Certificate, August 31, 1946 Washington State Archives, . Available on-line at http://www.ancestry.com Photocopy in home Library.
  • [S2551] William Lewis household, 1880 US Census, Wahington, Disctict of Columbia, population schedule, Washington, Enumeration District 28, sheet 18, dwelling 139, family 57, National Archives micropublication T9-122.
  • [S3128] James Walker household, 1930 US Census, Northumberland, Virginia, population schedule, Heathsville, Enumeration District 4, sheet 2B, dwelling 35, family 37, National Archives micropublication T626.