Lucy Emeline Tolen Knapp

Photograph by Ralph Page
OBITUARY Lucy E. Toland (sic), daughter of Harvey James and Mary Jane Tolen, was born in Coles County, Ill., March 14, 1848, and passed away Feb. 19, 1926 at the age of 77 years, 11 months and 5 days. In her early childhood her parents moved to Missouri but returned, during the civil war, to Scott Co., Ill. November 16, 1865, she was united in marriage to John H. Knapp. In 1970 they moved to Richardson Co., Neb. where they lived for 15 years, coming to Rawlins Co., Kansas in 1885 and located on a homestead. Mrs Knapp was the mother of eight sons and four daughters all of whom are living except one son and two daughters. Those living are James H. and Thomas C. of Burlington, Colo., George W. and Levi A. of Rangley, Colo., Mrs Lulu Lee of Gallitan, Mo., John O., Charles E., Fay M. and Mrs. Daisy Hubbard of McDonald, Kansas. Besides her husband and nine children she leaves forty-one grandchildren and sixteen great-grandchildren. In 1871 she joined the Free Will Baptist church and was faithful to that belief until death. She had been in ill health for several years and for the last four months had been confined to her bed suffering from the result of paralysis. She was a good neighbor and a faithful wife and mother, and she leaves a vacant place in the ranks of her many friends. Funeral services were held in the church in McDonald Sunday afternoon in charge of Rev. Coppoc. The remains were laid away in the McDonald Cemetery. Card of Thanks We desire to extend our heartfelt thanks to our friends and neighbors who assisted us during the illness and death of our wife and mother. Also for the floral offering. H. Knapp James H. Knapp John O. Knapp Mrs. Ben Hubbard Chas. E. Knapp Fay Knapp